Saturday, June 10, 1995

Well, here it is. My first entry in what is expected to be a summer’s worth! We’ve been in the air for about 5 minutes now (its 5:00am) and I’m more relaxed than I was in the airport. Only 7 hours and 26 minutes to go! Six hours in Brussels and another 3 hour (?) flight to Geneva. The turbulence is terrible up here; your stomach goes up and down and BLAH.
I hope for the best during this trip. I already lost my ID cards and Passport and Walgreen’s in Appleton but we hopefully hot it figured out! I miss my friends already but I got pictures of everyone but the Perkins crew. I miss Lisa! (Lisa Wolf 1**0 Third St. Apt. 5C Menasha, WI 54952 729-***5) I HATE TURBULENCE!!! Fuckers! It’s twenty to 6pm and all I can think about are my friends. I really will miss them. But I’m glad Bob’s happy with Aaron. He deserves it! I miss Craig U. a lot and I hope to get closer in the future. Such a waste to destroy something that was so strong…. Maybe destroy isn’t the word- more like neglect.
By the way, we are 29,000 feet up. /
It had just turned exactly midnight in American time but here it’s a bright sunshiny day! We’re still in the same fucking plane and I want a cigarette SO bad! At least they have coffee in here. I don’t have any fucking clue as to where we are but our bodies are so whacked. At home we’d be sleeping but here we’re just waking up. What the fuck?!/
We’re in Brussels Airport. It’s 2:15am American time but here it’s 9:15am. Bright and early! It’s so weird being a minority for once. One American dollar is worth about 26 Belgian Francs here. So being the math expert that I am I’m all fucked up with prices. We’re stuck here until 3:00pm so Cliff and Tara are crashed out for a while. Meanwhile I sit here babysitting and reading *B.Y.O.F.L (Thanks Tammy!) I NEED MORE NICOTINE! /
10:50am Analyzing the trip so far, it has been different. I lose my passport, the plane ride (self-explanatory) with the movie ‘Disclosure’ (stupid), we get kicked out of all sleeping arrangements in this airport, and now we’re relaxing in the café with 5 hours of boredom to look forward to, not including the next plane ride. So many different nationalities here, but culture shock hasn’t hit me yet considering this is just an airport. This town sounds like a fucking vegetable which is kind of ironic seeing as that’s what all 3 of us feel like right now.

*‘Book Your Own Fucking Life’ was an annual magazine that had listings of people who were willing to take travelers in and it made it easier for bands to tour without spending money on hotel rooms. Think of it as a precursor to

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