Wednesday, July 26, 1995

Well what can I say? I’m in Rome! It seems like weeks since I have written in this notebook, but I’ll fill you in.
Last night we ate a good supper, and “mom” was packing the house into boxes for the big moving day. She gave us each some good-luck coins so that was cool. We left last night at around 9:10pm and it felt so good to hold Rachel again. I’d just hold her forever if I could. Well, we were woken up at around 6am by the police that they were asking if we all had our money. That’s when Rachel noticed that all her money was gone. We kind of freaked out, but they said that they had caught the guy and we had to go to the police station in Rome in 2 hours. We sort of slept in those 2 hours but I couldn’t sleep because I felt so bad for Rachel. I just held onto her to comfort her a little more. It was one of those times where I just want to pick her up and run far away from everything in this shit world.
We ended up retrieving most of the money and so we left to get this campsite. I’m fucking camping! So far we just walked around the main downtown and saw some ruins, which is by far the coolest thing to see on this trip! I love the way I can hold onto Rachel because she shows me that she doesn’t mind by holding me as well.
We got to go swimming today also! Cool! It’s been 8 days since I’ve smoked a full cigarette. God do I want one, though! I just hope that Rachel doesn’t get sick of me on this trip because I know how annoying I can get. But I guess I’m just hoping that she likes to do the same thing, because I love it. It makes me feel closer to human again.
Oh yeah- I almost forgot (well, I did) today Rachelle [sic] asked me how you would say “mouille” en Anglais and as Tara and I told her “wet” she mistook it for “what” and kept on repeating it. It took a while before she caught on and with a red face said “oh wet!” It was great! Now I tease her all the time for it.
(Exchange rate= $1.00 to 1,500 lira)

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