Sunday, July 16, 1995

I’m sick of starting all of these entries off with “Well” so I’m not going to this time. It’s 11:35pm and yet again I’m on a train. We’re on our way to Barcelona, Spain, but not expecting much sleep tonight seeing as the conductor is on heroin.
We spent the day in Nice/ Monaco (Monte Carlo) today. We got to swim in the Mediterranean Sea and catch some rays. Monaco was pretty cool, and by far the most technologically advanced. That’s a fuckin’ big word for me! Something but me while I was swimming so I freaked out a little over that, but a 20 piece Chicken McNugget bucket got me mine off of it.
Now we tour Spain for 6 days and hopefully check out Morocco, Africa for a day. Then I get to see my woman again. Actually, change that to Rachel gets to see her man again. She owns me more than vice-versa. I’m so excited!
I was checking out the scenery from the train window with Cliff before and as I was looking as the Big Dipper it made me realize how small this world really is. You can see the Big Dipper no matter where you are. That’s so cool!
Before we left we fed a homeless guy some of our bread and cheese from today so that made e feel really good. I gave him a smoke afterwards and spoke the best French that I could, since he only knew French and Spanish. Oh yeah, and some cake too.
Well, I gotta try to get some sleep even if crackhead is driving all whacked. Later!

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