Saturday, July 22, 1995

Oopla! I left my bag at the station for a few days so we wouldn’t have to haul it around! Oh well- I got a 4-hour train ride for now so let’s begin.
On Thursday (We got into Algeciras Wednesday night and stayed at a comfortable hostel, no windowsill) we got on the ferry to Africa at around 4:30pm and arrived at about 6:00pm. The cruise was really cool since it was my first time on a big boat. They had cigarette and liquor store and a casino in it!
But anyways we to Africa and walked around for 3 and a half hours before we even found a place to stay. The whole town reeked of piss and shit; I walked behind Tara the whole time because I didn’t trust any of the guys there, the people sucked and everything was dirty and uphill. We planned on staying until today, but we left after 18 hours. The hostile was a dump so we got drunk and threw shit out the window on the gypsies and “gobbed” onto car windshields. I had one cigarette that night and haven’t touched one since.
Yesterday morning we went back to Algeciras and hopped right onto the bus in Gibralter [sic]. We took a trolley to the top and started walking around. We went through all kinds of trails and stone cells that used to hold prisoners. But after about an hour of walking (5:45pm) we got to the main part of the rock- an underground labyrinth of weird looking rock formations everywhere. It was once said to be bottomless, and the link to Africa- possibly how the first apes arrived in Spain.
There is an auditorium made where concerts are held. I will be there someday.
Well, by this time we were hungry so we made our way back down. We found the apes’ hangout spot and they found our bag of food. So after watching them for a while we left in search of food. I wanted something cheap so we chose Pizza Hut.
Bad idea!
I had a personal pan pizza, a bowl of soup, and a large coke for around $19.00! At least they spoke English, since it was Great Britain! Well, we hit three countries in one day! Not bad!
We came back to Algeciras last night and stayed at the same hostel, but this time I had to sleep in my own room. No problem- I entertain myself.
Well, it’s almost 1:00pm here and we’ll be switching trains until we arrive in Lausanne Monday afternoon so I’m gonna sleep! I only had one cigarette in the past 3 days now!

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