Sorry about the stretch of time, but Corfu was by far the best part of the trip so far. I’ve been on a boat since 7:30am this morning and now it’s 5:20pm. We’re hitting Athens tonight so that means more train rides until around 9:30pm tonight. The mountains are fucking gorgeous here as well.
Okay, about Corfu- we arrived at around 8:30am with empty stomachs and high hopes for the Pink Palace. A car took us about half an hour up through the mountains to a big pink building. We got inside and were told to throw our bags down and get some free soda and take a seat. After about 20 minutes we all got a large shot glass full of this pink stuff and a man stood up and said “Okay, welcome to the Pink Palace. You may want to ask what the stuff in front of you is but we say who the fuck cars , it gets you drunk.” It ended up being the traditional drink on the island called “OUZO” which tasted like anus [sic]candy {i.e. “Anise” candy}. He told us to all enjoy ourselves and about all the activities that went on- bungee jumping, cliff jumping, and of course, a shitload of drinking! He pointed out the people who would be carrying us back to our rooms at night, and where to go for the free lunch and dinner. After a few rounds of free OUZOs we went to eat our breakfast which was until noon because you probably have a hard time waking up in the morning!
Breakfast was ham and tomatoes with all the bread and jam we could eat. Afterwards we hit the beach which was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, and then relaxed in our room for a while. Cool music was playing and for a few songs they had Dr. Dre on which reminded me of Jay. Diner was at 9:00pm so we drank a few beers and I bought my first pack of smokes again for the special occasion. Dinner was lasagna, salad, soup, and bread which was of course to soak up some beer. After that it was party time! We started the night off with a “blowjob” shot and proceeded to drink beers for the rest of the night.
At 11:00pm the festivals began with some guys going a traditional Greek dance and then the volleyball winners of the day had to drink a bottle of OUZO to see if they could eat the record. They didn’t, but the night before the record was broken at 6.1 seconds. That’s six people! After that it was the traditional; plate breaking ceremony which was by far the best part. The owner of the place looked like Walter (Tara’s parents’ friends) and he went all around the circle smashing plates on people’s heads. It was great so I did it! Well, first it was a person who got a stack of 10 over their heads, but they were fed 4 shots of OUZO first so no big deal.
I’ll write later- we’re at the port…
Okay, I love trains. So anyways, we all got plates smashed over our heads and soon after a shot of OUZO to forget the pain. After that they got 5 girls from the U.S.A. and 5 from anywhere else for a beer guzzling contest. We won. Of course, and celebrated with dancing and beer until around 1:00am. Then me and Rachel went down to the beach and talked for hours about the coolest stuff. How we felt about certain issues and our fears and hopes in life. I told her that I loved her that night. In English and French just to get the complete power of the word out.
The next day we woke up to hot dogs and scrambled eggs with more bread. Oh yeah, we had coffee both days as well for a change. Yummy. It’s such a treat just to have a cup nowadays. But afterwards we swam again- big waves today!
Me and Rachel took a douche again and went back to the room for full body massages with oil and everything. It was very relaxing for a change, so we just layed [sic] around until 8, except for a pizza and a soda at around 5:00pm. At 8 we went up to the bar and started with a beer before dinner. Then we ate more salad, soup and veggies, rice and meat for dinner. Then back to the bar for a Bloody Mary. Also I tried some Rum & Coke, grasshopper, Kamikase [sic], and a full shot of tequila to mention some. Same activities tonight except for the Europeans won the drinking contest. Me and Rachel layed [sic] on the beach afterwards again, just shooting the shit until about 3:00am, so we went back and fell asleep until 4:40 when the waking committee came to our rescue. We hopped on a bus at 5:15am and got free bottles of water before saying goodbye to our heaven on Earth. We will be back.
Today is not worth mentioning since it was all boats and trains. I’ll try again tomorrow.
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